Shiga Lakestars #4 (2009-2010)

Shiga Lakestars #4 (2009-2010)
Taking Care of Business

Go Go Lakes!!!

Otsu, Japan (Our Home)

Otsu, Japan (Our Home)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A very long last weekend in Osaka :)

This weekend I traveled to Osaka to watch the Lakestars compete against the 2nd place team Evessa. They played hard on Saturday, but played even tougher on Sunday. No matter how tough their efforts....they did not come out victorious :(.

I was very proud of Chris because he played very hard in both games. Despite the losses I was satisfied by the effort the Lakestars gave as I watched my last game in Japan.

Before the game I was able to catch some families outside enjoying the spring weather...Can't believe tomorrow I'm going home to see mine :)

Now I am off to dinner with all my closest Japanese friends on my last night :)

Til tomorrow at the airport :)...Bye

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our night at the Castle :)

Last night Chris and I finally made our way over to Nijo Castle in Kyoto for their Cherry Blossom viewing at night :). There were tons of people, and that was okay... but since there was so many people it caused the gravel on the floor to blow dust in my pictures....ugh!!! The tour lead you around the castle to view the various gardens and the amazing seasonal Cherry Blossoms :).

It was truly a romantic night and a once in a lifetime experience. At the end of the tour we caught a show of 3 women playing Koto (an ancient japanese instrument). It was beautiful watching them play within the walls of this ancient castle.

I could of sworn they were playing "Speechless" by Lady GaGa.... Chris didn't quite agree :)...

My last days in Japan have been magnificent .... 3 more days to go....
I will try to post daily until my departure :)
til tomorrow .... BYE :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Go Go Lakes Tv Show :)

Chris can add TV star to his resume. This week Chris was asked to go on the team's weekly sports program called " Go Go Lakes". He was asked various questions about the team and also what skills he contributes. This weekend the Lakestars will play two very hard games against the 2nd place team from Osaka :(....But I'm sure with Chris starting and his drive to win....We will come out victorious :). The show will be shown throughout the entire Shiga prefecture....This is some great exposure for him and the team.....GO GO Lakes!

This is Chris in the green room watching the final product :)

Go Go Chris !!!

Happy 3rd Birthday EMI :)

Happy Birthday to my nephew Emiliano aka EMI. Today he turns 3 and he is truly a blessing. I am happy to be coming home soon to see him and to spoil him.... Come on I am his favorite auntie :)

So this is your last week in Japan.. What do you want to do???... Go to the Monkey Park, duh!!

Come on... Wouldn't you want to go feed the monkeys!?!?!? .... Today Chris and I head out to the monkey park in Kyoto. Upon arriving to the park we were greeted with some very important rules.

So basically what can you do with the monkeys!?!?!?!

It wasn't long on our 5 mile uphill climb before the monkeys started to appear. It also didn't take much time for the monkey's to realize he was an AVATAR!!!

Upon reaching the very top of the mountain, we were greeted by a fleet of primates. They only come around to be fed by the guests....Word on the street is that they hate humans.

The view was spectacular!!! This made that aggressive climb well worth it :)

Apparently this monkey with the glass in his hand didn't feel the same way. I'm not saying he was trying to kill himself....But you imagine eating peanuts everyday :)

Now you can feed the monkeys at the park within a chain link fence box... I know what your thinking they are little monkeys... But they will throw down for some peanuts :)

I have some some raw uncut footage of Chris feeding the monkeys....To show you how nuts they are for peanuts...Please watch this monkey fit 20....Yea, I said 20 peanuts in his mouth :)
(Youtube video posting to follow shortly)

After leaving the park we stopped by the neighboring temple take in some of the beautiful cherry blossoms and amazing scenery :)

After a long day soaking in this beautiful weather and hanging with my monkey buddies :).... I can truly say I will miss the beautiful city of Kyoto :)
Til tomorrow .....Sionara :) (disclaimer: word could be misspelled )

Someone is graduating :)

That special someone is my super godson/nephew Mr. Octavio Lopez :). After two very grueling years in preschool... He is ready to graduate and attend Kindergarten. We are so proud of you my lil nugget and I'm so happy to be coming home to see your get you preschool diploma.

Come on preschool is tough....Ask Chris :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Schlatters come to Japan :)

I'm back to bring you up to speed on our latest adventure. Chris and I had the honor of hosting two very special people.... His parents !!! Craig and Nancy braved the 12 hour flight to Tokyo, Japan. Chris and I took the bullet train to meet them in Tokyo at the hotel. They were hit with some airport transportation issues so Chris and I hung in the lounge sipping on $15 dollar latte's :)....
Once they arrived we headed upstairs for drinks then off to bed for the busy weekend ahead of us.

First things first we headed over to a very popular temple in Tokyo by the name of Sensoji Temple. Many buddhist followers pilgrimage to the site to pray for love ones and prosperity. They commonly throw coins into the altar with their wishes and pray they come true. I prayed for Chris's knees :) If you know him... you know the knees can get a little rusty :) We then left the temple and headed down on a boat on the river to take relaxing trip back to the train.

Later that evening Nancy had planned a eventful night in the Roppongi Hills. First on our agenda was attending a concert for a "Beatles" cover band by the name of "The Parrots". It was an awesome show. I'm not quite familiar with all their catalog of music, but I was fortunate to have Nancy there to educate me on the history of "The Beatles". She also knew all the words to every song they sang .... Go Nancy :).

After the show we went directly across the street to the most amazing restaurant (Sorry Nancy I can't remember the name :( ).
This restaurant let's you choose the ingredients you want them to cook over a open flame. The food was delicious and we had such a good time.
The food was so fresh and was cooked right in front of you :)

The next day we spent the day in the famous Harajuku district. Upon first arriving in Harajuku we stopped by Meiji temple, which is in the same area. We were fortunate to see many wedding cermonies that were taking place that day.... For some reason no one looked happy :)....Come on it's not that bad !!
After our day in Harajuku, Nancy and Craig made their way to Otsu to or home sweet home :)

On Chris's day off Nancy planned a very cool trip around the artisan part of Kyoto. First on our list was the honor of seeing the work of a famous Gold Leaf artist.
This is an ancient technique used to make gold leaf thread for many art pieces and expensive clothing. They were very hospitable and their home was simply amazing. There are only four families that still do this craft today. Currently this famous artist and his son still create amazing masterpieces using various metal leaf :)

After leaving the first artist's home we headed to the home of another Japanese art icon. His name is Shotei Ibata and he is a very famous caligraphy artist. He teaches forums throughout the world and also has many of his pieces hung at airports and galleries in America. His technique requires using a huge brush and writing words in both Chinese and Japanese.
We were so lucky to see him work while we were there and also doing some caligraphy ourselves.
This was definitely a once in a life time experience :)....

As our day came to end we headed over to a beautiful temple on the northern part of Kyoto. This was not any visit, we had the opportunity to meet with their resident Monk and join him for a Japanese tea ceremony. He gave us many wise words and also explained the importance of your "KOKORO" which means your "heart".
Chris had quite a different lesson to learn :). He was told his posture needed a little work. The monk felt he could not fully work on his Kokoro if he slouches over all the time :)....I feel kinda to blame because he is constantly bending over to talk to me....
Another cool landmark at this temple was the smallest "Tea Room".... just take our word for it was tiny :)....

We also had the chance to check out the aquarium in Osaka :)
The coolest thing I got to see was the the crabs....THEY WERE HUGE !!
(picture evidence below)

Speaking of fish....Throughout the week we had some pretty awesome sushi. I have to say the white fish pictured below (squid) is not exactly my favorite....

But the algae soup cannot be passed up :)

During his parent's stay they got to see Chris doing his live radio interview. I couldn't understand the whole interview, but his english portion was great !!!
This past weekend the Schlatter's caught very good game by Mr. Christopher Schlatter :).... The lakestars were victorious in beating the #1 team from Okinawa. Chris played an amazing game and had a very strong 4th quarter presence to win both games.

Gotta get you very own Chris Schlatter #4 pin..... I know I did :)
Let me just say that they knew exactly who Chris's father immediately :)

Another important person came to visit this weekend!?!?!?!??!..... Miss Hope Grahme :)....She is the adorable fiancee of Chris's teammate Luke Zeller... She is great and I'm so happy that we had the opportunity to meet her :)
The Schlatter's departed back to the states on a beautiful monday afternoon. They truly made our adventures in Japan more exciting and I cherish all the memories that were made. I am also happy they came to see Darth play basketball here in Japan. Chris is truly blessed to have not only dedicated parents, but two of the greatest #1 fans :)

Later that evening we headed over to our favorite local indian restaurant to have Chris's weekly feast. The owner is a one man show.... He cooks, He waits on all the customers, and also cleans when your done. We love his food and I will miss seeing him every week :(

One more week for me (Rocky) in Japan.... I am sad to be leaving :( but I'm so thankful for all my memories ......
Till next time ..... Konichiwa :)