Shiga Lakestars #4 (2009-2010)

Shiga Lakestars #4 (2009-2010)
Taking Care of Business

Go Go Lakes!!!

Otsu, Japan (Our Home)

Otsu, Japan (Our Home)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So this is your last week in Japan.. What do you want to do???... Go to the Monkey Park, duh!!

Come on... Wouldn't you want to go feed the monkeys!?!?!? .... Today Chris and I head out to the monkey park in Kyoto. Upon arriving to the park we were greeted with some very important rules.

So basically what can you do with the monkeys!?!?!?!

It wasn't long on our 5 mile uphill climb before the monkeys started to appear. It also didn't take much time for the monkey's to realize he was an AVATAR!!!

Upon reaching the very top of the mountain, we were greeted by a fleet of primates. They only come around to be fed by the guests....Word on the street is that they hate humans.

The view was spectacular!!! This made that aggressive climb well worth it :)

Apparently this monkey with the glass in his hand didn't feel the same way. I'm not saying he was trying to kill himself....But you imagine eating peanuts everyday :)

Now you can feed the monkeys at the park within a chain link fence box... I know what your thinking they are little monkeys... But they will throw down for some peanuts :)

I have some some raw uncut footage of Chris feeding the monkeys....To show you how nuts they are for peanuts...Please watch this monkey fit 20....Yea, I said 20 peanuts in his mouth :)
(Youtube video posting to follow shortly)

After leaving the park we stopped by the neighboring temple take in some of the beautiful cherry blossoms and amazing scenery :)

After a long day soaking in this beautiful weather and hanging with my monkey buddies :).... I can truly say I will miss the beautiful city of Kyoto :)
Til tomorrow .....Sionara :) (disclaimer: word could be misspelled )


  1. Looks like the weather warmed up a bit... sorry we missed the monkey park! Great job on the blog Rocky... you really got the highlights! What a fun trip. Thanks again for being such gracious hosts!

  2. Just posted a new blog this morning.... Chris had a tv appearance :)...check it out :)
